Cartian Ariketh

Wandering Gunslinger


I created this section both to just get the info down and for any curious. If you'd rather learn his backstory organically through rp, I suggest skipping this section!

Instead of being part of a Miqo'te clan, Cartian spent his early childhood in a Garlean orphanage in a remote southern province. After some time, an exiled Gunbreaker named Visethgar took him under his wing. Almost immediately they were joined by a disgraced Garlean officer named Junia quo Taenaris. The three travelled around the Empire together, taking on jobs with the common goal of helping those in need. These included mercenary work, monster hunting, and gathering supplies for desperate and remote villages across the Eastern Empire.As time went on, the adults began having disagreements over how to achieve their goals. Visethgar sought to take the fight to the Empire, directly attacking soldiers and supply depots. Junia wanted to keep their actions in the shadows, helping dissenters and rebels flee the government. After an explosive argument, Junia chose to depart the group, and Vis and Cartian struck at a major Imperial supply depot.This managed to deal enough damage that it drew the Empire's attention, and the two fled to Doma. Once there, they were lured into a trap by Imperial forces in what had appeared to be an abandoned supply depot. Cornered and out of options, Vis gave Cartian his gunblade and got him to a magitek scout bike. He forced him to flee as he held off the soldiers. Alone and isolated for the first time in years, Cartian fled to the home of a Doman smith he'd met in his travels, and she took him in, hiding him for a time while helping him craft a gunblade more appropriate to his size.Once his new blade was completed, he had a brief reunion with Junia, but opted to find a way to follow the example of both his mentors. He spent most of his time aiding Imperial dissidents, but never avoided an opportunity to provide a flashy distraction to aid in their escape, each time making it clear who he was, and that he was still out there.In the wake of the Emperor's death, Cartian decided to use the current chaos in the Empire to slip away, both eager to explore somewhere new, and knowing if he wants to see the Empire crumble aiding the Alliance he's heard rumors of is his best bet, crossing the border into Doma and taking a ship to Eorzea.He has been wandering Eorzea for some time now, and has grown accustomed to the excitement and insanity the realm provides. But while he's no longer brand new to the region, he's far from done discovering new things about it. Cartian plans to leave no stone unturned in his adventures through Eorzea.


  • Name: Cartian Ariketh

  • Age: 29

  • Gender: Male

  • Height: 5'11"

  • Weight: 190 lbs.

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good

  • Sexuality: Straight


Cartian stands on the taller end of the spectrum for male Miqo'te, and has fiery red hair and blue eyes. He keeps himself fit, as his adventuring life would require, and has no visible scars.He'll most often be found wearing his brown duster coat, and almost always keeps his ears hidden under his signature hat.


Cartian is a free spirit above all, always eager to travel. He finds it difficult to remain in one spot for too long, and his wanderlust often leads him to seek out new paths to travel sooner rather than later.Around new people, Cartian can be reserved, though he always does his best to come off as kind, and he will quickly warm up to people as he gets to know them.Cartian also has a massive hero complex, finding it difficult, if not impossible to resist stepping in to help someone in need, no matter the stakes.

RP Hooks

  • Are you from the Garlean Empire? You may recognize his face from wanted posters for the destruction of a ceruleum refinery, repeated assaults on soldiers, aiding and abetting dissenters and rebels, raiding a Garlean supply depot, and the theft of Magitek equipment.

  • Perhaps they have crossed paths before out east! He spent his youth travelling around Ilsabard and Othard. He's not expecting to see any familiar faces in Eorzea, but anything could happen!

  • Do you have need of a stubborn idiot with a gunblade who can take a hit? He's always looking for work!

  • His hat? One of his favorite conversation starters! Feel free to comment on it!

  • Are you a gunbreaker? He was never fully trained and might be open to finding a new mentor! Beyond that, loves to talk gunblades!


Sen Yumishi

  • One of Cart's few childhood friends. She is a skilled weaponsmith and engineer, and as a result is the only person he trusts to repair or tinker with his bike. She now serves as first officer aboard the Privateer vessel Crimson Rail.

Fugo "Sunrise" Luceat

  • One of the first people Cartian met in Eorzea. The two quickly formed a bond and decided to become partners, vowing to watch each other's backs through thick and thin. There's no one he'd rather have by his side.

Zaya Chaghan

  • Zaya is a Xaela Cartian met at the Quicksand who helped him get out of a pretty dangerous situation. Since then, the two have become fast friends, meeting often to help teach each other how to learn the other's language. If Cartian ever finds himself in need of a powerful ally, Zaya will be one of the first he calls.


I have over a decade of rp experience now, and have been rping in FFXIV for almost 3 years now.
If I do not respond to an initial post out in the wild, it's likely that I missed it or am alt tabbed, throw me a /tell if this happens!If you have any other general feedback, feel free to throw it at me! Always seeking and happy to accept constructive criticism!